Since 1995

List of Computer Hardware Dealers

Total Results : 1
Computer Tech Sales is a ITAD and ITAM Corporation located in Kansas City, Missouri. The Primary focus of MWADT is providing E-waste Recycling services to the Public, and Private sector. Our E-Waste recycling company will help with the challenges of packaging, transporting, auditing, re-marketing and disposal of high-tech assets. We Recycle in a Responsible manner, providing our clients with reporting, auditing, DOD CERTIFICATES, and downstream reporting to the final EOL Destination. Our high Standard Recycling Certifications include R2 and ISO 140001. We are in the process of our RIOS, EPA, HIPPA, and NAID Certification.

Our methodology and proven approach to E-Waste and recycling is summarized below.

Asset Recovery is the first step to determine if the asset has any market value. Equipment deemed not marketable in its complete state may still retain value. Assets not meeting the standards to be sold in complete form are then processed to extract any reusable parts.

All electronic assets considered non-marketable are processed through the recycling process. Hard Drives and other storage media are DOD sanitized or destroyed. We adhere to no landfill and no E-waste exporting policies; therefore, the materials collected from the dismantled electronic assets are sorted into the various raw commodities and prepared for final disposition at a domestic refinery. We adhere to all EPA Guidelines, as well as, all State and Federal Regulations regarding e-waste and its' disposal.

Assets classified as marketable are inventoried and made available for sale. We will determine the market value of each asset and resell it for the highest current market price. We offer to buy the IT business assets outright or may participate with you in revenue profit sharing. We provide client audit and financial reports of assets sold.
TJ Sterrett
Lee's Summit MO 64063
Total Results : 1
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